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Face Dataset Creation

Module Description

Face Dataset Creation

Face Dataset Creation reads the names displayed on screen text-inserts and associates them to the corresponding person. Create an individual and unique dataset of your own repository of personalities.

Module ID: dataset_creation

Module Parameters

Name Type Default Description
dataset_id string null The dataset ID to store the extracted faces (See Dataset Resource).
detect_single_name boolean false Face Dataset Creation is optimized on detecting full names. Enable this to detect single names as well.
apply_generic boolean true Use the generic method to find names
name_dictionary_list List of strings null You can provide a custom names dictionary to detect your custom names. Only names from this list will be detected. Example: ["Angela Merkel", "Markus Söder"]
min_face_size integer 112 Minimum size of the smallest side of the face in pixels
sharpness_threshold integer 40 Minimum quality of the face (lower number is more blurry)


Send the following JSON as request body via POST to the /jobs/ endpoint:

  "sources": [
  "modules": {
    "dataset_creation": {
      "dataset_id": "{ID-of-your-dataset}"